Hi there!

And welcome to my site! Just like you, I live in an Internet-connected world.

Unlike you, I seek to understand and explain its darker side to others. Knowledge is power indeed, and I hope that if you are well informed, you will be able to take educated decisions.

I have placed links to some of my best articles below. However, I encourage you to read the entire blog. It won't take you too much time, and I promise that it may change the way you see technology forever.

The Dangers of Social Media

Yes, your children love social media a lot, just like yourself. What’s not to love about it? Because social media was created with the main goal of allowing people to share information and communicate with each other – and that's a very good thing!

But social media has also opened the door to a total lack of privacy. Everything that we are doing online can now be tracked. And if they don't know it yet, advertisers will soon find out which sites your children are visiting, what things they like, what they dislike, what they eat, what medications they take (if any), etc.

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Debunking the Myth of Public Wi-Fi Security Risks

There are probably thousands of articles that discuss the top Wi-Fi security risks out there! I know this firsthand, because I've read at least a dozen myself. And the main motifs are password weakness, outdated encryption protocols, and so on.

I get it, I really do! I also know that there are some smart kids out there, who are into wardriving, and some of them have even built their own hacking equipment. Yeah, it's quite easy to install an ethical hacking Linux-based distro on a regular laptop, and then use an adapter like this to connect the internal Wi-Fi plug to an external antenna that's got a much higher gain.

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How to Protect Against Meltdown and Spectre

Just like you, I was taught that browsers can be insecure. Fortunately, they are easy to patch by installing an updated version of the application. I was also taught that most operating systems have numerous flaws, but those vulnerabilities can be patched as well. But who would have guessed that the CPUs that power our computers, tablets and yes, even our smart phones, may have some serious security issues?

Fortunately, the recent Meltdown and Spectre CPU issues can be patched through an operating system update. If you run a PC or a Mac, the O.S. developers have already sent the patch to the end users a few months ago. However, if you run a more obscure version of the Linux or Android operating systems, it could take quite a bit of time until all the problems are fixed for good.

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